Friday, May 31, 2013

Potential Lawsuit: Azithromycin Linked with Irregular Heart Rhythm FDA Warns

Home Page >> Potential Lawsuit >> Azithromycin Linked with Irregular Heart Rhythm FDA Warns Azithromycin Linked with Irregular Heart Rhythm FDA Warns Please click here for a free evaluation of your Azithromycin Side Effects claim Washington, DC: The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is warning the public that azithromycin (Zithromax or Zmax) can cause abnormal changes in the electrical activity of the heart that may lead to a potentially fatal irregular heart rhythm. Azithromycin had previously received an updated warning label by the FDA following concerns over increased risk of Zithromax liver failure . Patients at particular risk for developing this condition include those with known risk factors such as existing QT interval prolongation, low blood levels of potassium or magnesium, a slower than normal heart rate, or use of certain drugs used to treat abnormal heart rhythms, or arrhythmias. FDA has issued a Drug Safety Communication as a result browse of their review of a study by medical researchers as well as another study by a manufacturer of the drug that assessed the potential for azithromycin to cause abnormal changes in the electrical activity of the heart. FDA previously released a Statement on May 17, 2012, about a study that compared the risks of cardiovascular death in patients treated with the antibacterial drugs azithromycin, amoxicillin, ciprofloxacin (Cipro), and levofloxacin (Levaquin), or no antibacterial drug. The study reported an increase in cardiovascular deaths, and in the risk of death from any cause, in persons treated with a 5-day course of azithromycin (Zithromax) compared to persons treated with amoxicillin, ciprofloxacin, or no drug. The risks of cardiovascular death associated with levofloxacin treatment were similar to those associated with azithromycin treatment. Azithromycin is marketed under the brand names Zithromax and Zmax. FDA-approved indications for azithromycin include: acute bacterial exacerbations of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, acute bacterial sinusitis, community-acquired pneumonia, pharyngitis/tonsillitis, uncomplicated skin and skin structure infections, urethritis and cervicitis, genital ulcer disease. Legal Help If you or a loved one has suffered similar damages or injuries, please click the link below and your complaint will be sent to a lawyer who may evaluate your claim at no cost or obligation.
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Thursday, May 30, 2013

Potential Lawsuit: 7000 Dental Patients at Risk for HIV and Hepatitis

What are you looking for? Home Page >> Potential Lawsuit >> 7000 Dental Patients at Risk for HIV and Hepatitis 7000 Dental Patients at Risk for HIV and Hepatitis Please click here for a free evaluation of your Dental Malpractice claim Tulsa, OK: Nearly 7,000 patients who were treated at a dentist's clinic in suburban Tulsa, may have been exposed to HIV and hepatitis, according to health investigators. A state investigation began after the health department alerted the dentistry board to a potential hepatitis C infection from Dr. W. Scott Harrington's office. CNN reported that conditions at Harrington's dental practice left investigators nearly speechless. "I will tell you that when ... we left, we were just physically kind of sick," Susan Rogers, executive director of the Oklahoma Board of Dentistry told "I mean, that's how bad (it was), and I've seen a lot of bad stuff over the years." It also appears that dental assistants were allowed to do techniques they should only have been assisting with and that Harrington also allowed "unauthorized, unlicensed" employees to perform intravenous sedation of patients, which is illegal in Oklahoma. An official complaint filed before the state dental board described the violations, including "multiple sterilization issues, multiple cross-contamination issues, (and) the drug cabinet was unlocked and unattended." The Oklahoma state health department is contacting about 7,000 patients seen by Harrington since 2007 to urge them to be tested for hepatitis B, hepatitis C and HIV, and that testing will reportedly be offered free of charge. Harrington is accused of 17 violations, including negligence and "being a menace to the public health." According to the health department, infection in a setting such as a dentist's office is rare, however the patients should be tested as a precaution."Hepatitis B, hepatitis C and HIV are serious medical conditions, and infected patients may not have outward symptoms of the disease for many years," the department told CNN. Harrington is a 64-year old veteran oral surgeon who began his practice over 35 years ago. His clinic is located the Tulsa suburb of Owasso. Legal Help If you or a loved one has suffered similar damages or injuries, please click the link below and your complaint will be sent to a lawyer who may evaluate your claim at no cost or obligation.
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Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Settlement: Bayer Proposes $24M Settlement in Yaz and Yasmin Gallbladder Lawsuits

What are you looking for? Home Page >> Settlements >> Bayer Proposes $24M Settlement in Yaz and Yasmin Gallbladder Lawsuits Bayer Proposes $24M Settlement in Yaz and Yasmin Gallbladder Lawsuits Washington, DC: Bayer AG, the maker of the oral contraceptives Yas and Yasmin, has agreed to pay $24 million to settle lawsuits alleging the contraceptives can cause serious, possibly fatal side effects, including heart attacks, pulmonary embolism, deep vein thrombosis, blood clots, gallbladder problems and stroke. Bayer will reportedly pay up to a maximum of $3,000 per plaintiff, however, if more than 8,000 gallbaldder lawsuits are filed, the settlement per plaintiff will be reduced. The settlements are for people who allege they had to have their gallbladders removed due to taking either Yaz or Yasmin. According to the terms of the proposed settlement, Bayer has stipulated that it can cancel if less than 90 percent of the eligible plaintiffs choose to participate. Legal Help If you have a similar problem and would like to be contacted by a lawyer at no cost or obligation, please click the link below.
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Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Settlement: Construction Worker Settles Asbestos Lawsuit for $7.5M

What are you looking for? Home Page >> Settlements >> Construction Worker Settles Asbestos Lawsuit for $7.5M Construction Worker Settles Asbestos Lawsuit for $7.5M Los Angeles, CA: A construction worker who developed a highly aggressive cancer after his exposure to asbestos, has resolved his asbestos lawsuit against the defendant companies for $7.5 million prior to trial. The plaintiff brought suit against several of the companies that manufactured the materials. The defendants severally denied liability. In the 1970s and 1980s, the plaintiff was a construction worker helping install underground water and sewer lines beneath the Sacramento Valley city of Chico. His job involved working with pipes made from a concrete-asbestos compound, which he would cut with a gasoline-powered saw. The cutting generated an enormous amount of cement-asbestos dust, which left the plaintiff covered head to toe by the end of the day. The plaintiff was later diagnosed with pleural mesothelioma, an aggressive form of cancer, also rare except where attributable to asbestos exposure. The plaintiff filed suit in the Superior Court of Los Angeles County, seeking damages on a defective product liability action. The plaintiff sought recovery of medical expenses, lost wages, and non-economic recovery. The defendants named were several companies who manufactured, sold or delivered the asbestos-containing pipes the plaintiff worked with, including Parex USA, Westburne Supply, John K. Bice Co., Los Angeles Rubber, Hajoca Corp., Hanson Permanente Cement, Keenan, Properties, J-M Manufacturing, Certainteed Corp., Ferguson Enterprises, Grinnell Corp., Amcord, Ameron International and Calportland. Legal Help If you have a similar problem and would like to be contacted by a lawyer at no cost or obligation, please click the link below.
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Monday, May 27, 2013

Potential Lawsuit: Januvia Efectos Secundarios - Januvia Cáncer, Januvia Pancreatitis, Januvia Demand

Januvia Diabetes DrugEstaba buscando Byetta ? Januvia es un medicamento recetado para tratar a adultos con diabetes tipo 2. En 25 de septiembre de 2009, la FDA emitió una revisión a la etiqueta de advertencia de la droga Januvia o Janumet--un medicamento de combinación compuesto por Januvia y metformina--con respecto a los efectos secundarios de Januvia, incluyendo cáncer pancreático Januvia y cáncer de tiroides de Januvia. Si han tomado la droga de la diabetes de Januvia y están preocupados por la pancreatitis y cáncer y/o Januvia y Januvia, usted debe hablar con un abogado acerca de una posible demanda de Januvia. In English [ JANUVIA ] EVALUACIÓN GRATIS DE LA QUEJA Envie su queja de Januvia a través de un formulario seguro y un abogado lo evaluará en forma gratuita. HAGA CLIC o llame al 1-888-240-1521 Januvia Diabetes drogas Januvia es una diabetes de tipo 2 que también está disponible en una pastilla de combinación (conocida como Janumet) que contiene el medicamento metformin. (Janumet 50/500 es de 500 mg de metformina más 50 mg de Januvia). Januvia (sitagliptina) y Janumet (sitagliptina/metformina) son los primeros de una nueva clase de medicamentos orales para la diabetes, llamados inhibidores de dipeptidil peptidasa-4 (DPP-4) que mejoran el control de la glucemia en pacientes con diabetes tipo 2. Sin embargo, ambos medicamentos recientemente se han relacionado con la pancreatitis aguda y el cáncer de páncreas. Januvia/Janumet y cáncer de páncreas Januvia fue aprobado por la FDA en octubre de 2006. Entre el 16 de octubre de 2006 y el 09 de febrero de 2009, la agencia recibió 88 casos de post-comercialización de pancreatitis aguda, incluyendo dos casos de pancreatitis hemorrágica o necrotizante. Sesenta y seis de los pacientes requiere hospitalización, y cuatro de los pacientes fueron trasladado a la unidad de cuidados intensivos. La revisión de la FDA de estos 88 pacientes encontró que 19 pacientes (21%) de la pancreatitis ocurrieron dentro de 30 días a partir de Januvia. Así, más la mitad de los casos se resolvieron una vez Januvia se discontinuó. La FDA le ha solicitado a Merck para actualizar su etiqueta de advertencia de Januvia para reflejar estos nuevos peligros e incluir: Información sobre informes de post-comercialización de pancreatitis aguda,incluyendo las formas severas, pancreatitis hemorrágica o necrotizante. Recomendar que los profesionales de la salud controlar pacientes cuidadosamente para el desarrollo de la pancreatitis después de iniciación o dosis aumentos de sitagliptina o sitagliptina/metformina y dejar de sitagliptina o sitagliptina/metformina si se sospecha que la pancreatitis mientras que usando estos productos. Información señalando sitagliptina no se ha estudiado en pacientes con una historia de pancreatitis. Por lo tanto, no se sabe si estos los pacientes corren un mayor riesgo de desarrollar pancreatitis durante el uso sitagliptina o sitagliptina/metformina. Sitagliptina o sitagliptina/metformina debe utilizarse con precaución y con supervisión apropiada en pacientes con antecedentes de pancreatitis. Januvia, que es fabricada por Merck & Co., Inc., es similar a Byetta : ambos fármacos dirigidos a un sistema de cuerpo natural llamado el sistema de la incretina, que ayuda a regular la glucosa por las células beta y las células alfa del páncreas. Sin embargo, Januvia es un medicamento oral y Byetta es un medicamento inyectable de dos vuelos diarios. Byetta también se ha relacionado con problemas renales graves, incluyendo la pancreatitis. (Pero un estudio en septiembre de 2008 mostró que Byetta proporciona una mayor reducción de los niveles de glucosa postprandial que Januvia en tipo 2 pacientes de diabetes). Un estudio más reciente (mayo de 2009) encontró que Januvia podría conducir a una forma de bajo grada pancreatitis en algunos pacientes y un mayor riesgo de cáncer de páncreas en personas que usan la droga durante un largo período de tiempo. Aunque Januvia con éxito ha bajado el azúcar en la sangre en personas con diabetes tipo 2, profesionales de la salud están instando a precaución, particularmente porque el efecto de la droga puede no ser evidente durante años. (Tardó más de 3 años para asociar Byetta con pancreatitis y advertencias sólo recientemente se han hecho públicas sobre Januvia, aunque la FDA recibió adversos efectos secundarios de Januvia de 2006). Mientras tanto, un estudio publicado en 2011 en la revista Gastroenterology (07/11) encontró un vínculo entre el uso de Januvia y un mayor riesgo de pancreatitis y cáncer de páncreas. Según los investigadores, los pacientes que tomaron Januvia tenían seis veces el riesgo de pancreatitis y 2.7 veces el riesgo de cáncer de páncreas. Otros investigadores, sin embargo, dice el estudio era defectuoso y las drogas no tienen ninguna tal riesgo. Diabetes afecta a más de 23 millones en los Estados Unidos solamente y alrededor del 90-95 por ciento de los afectados tiene diabetes tipo 2. La diabetes es la quinta causa de muerte por enfermedad en los Estados Unidos y los costos de aproximadamente $132 billones al año en gastos médicos directos e indirectos. Además, el 85 por ciento de pacientes con diabetes tipo 2 tienen sobrepeso y 55 por ciento son considerados obesos Januvia abogados están investigando posibles demandas contra Merck and Co por productos defectuosos, negligencia y falta de advertir a los reclamos. Ayuda Legal de efectos secundarios de Januvia Si usted o un ser querido ha sufrido lesiones o daños similares, por favor, haga clic en el enlace de más abajo y su queja se enviará a un abogado que puede evaluar su reclamación en costo ni obligación.
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Sunday, May 26, 2013

Settlement: $7M Settlement Reached in Google Wi-Fi Data Theft Investigation

What are you looking for? Home Page >> Settlements >> $7M Settlement Reached in Google Wi-Fi Data Theft Investigation $7M Settlement Reached in Google Wi-Fi Data Theft Investigation San Francisco, CA: A $7 million settlement has been reached between Google and several state Attorneys General (AGs), ending the AGs investigation into claims Google violated people's privacy with its Street View cars, by effectively conducting data theft. The Google "Wi-Spy" affair, as it was dubbed, began almost three years ago following an admission by Google that the Street View cars "accidentally" collected personal data from open Wi-Fi networks. As part of the settlement, Google has also agreed to destroy the personal data it collected and take steps to ensure that personal data networks are not accessed, accidentally or otherwise, in the future. Legal Help If you have a similar problem and would like to be contacted by a lawyer at no cost or obligation, please click the link below.
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Saturday, May 25, 2013

Potential Lawsuit: Deaths Prompt FDA to Pull DMAA-Containing Supplements From the Market

What are you looking for? Home Page >> Potential Lawsuit >> Deaths Prompt FDA to Pull DMAA-Containing Supplements From the Market Deaths Prompt FDA to Pull DMAA-Containing Supplements From the Market Please click here for a free evaluation of your DMAA-Containing Supplements claim Washington, DC: The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has issued a statement concerning supplements that contain the stimulant dimethylamylamine (DMAA), notifying consumers that it is using "all available tools at its disposal" to eliminate DMAA-containing supplements from the market. As of April 11, 2013, FDA had received 86 reports of illnesses and death associated with supplements containing DMAA. The illnesses reported include heart problems and nervous system or psychiatric disorders. DMAA is most commonly used in supplements promising weight loss, muscle building and performance enhancement; it can elevate blood pressure and could lead to cardiovascular problems, including heart attack, shortness of breath and tightening of the chest. Given the known biological activity of DMAA, the ingredient may be particularly dangerous when used with caffeine. Some examples of products containing include OxyElite Pro and Jack3d. The FDA has warned companies known to be using DMAA in dietary supplements that those products containing this ingredient are illegal. Such warnings offer the quickest way at the FDA's disposal to halt the further distribution of dietary supplements containing DMAA in the marketplace. In fact, all but one of the companies sent a Warning Letter have agreed to stop using DMAA as an ingredient in their dietary supplements. The one company that has yet to agree to such action, USPLabs, has responded to the FDA's warning by submitting published studies that purport to challenge the FDA's conclusions. However, after reviewing the studies provided by USPLabs, the FDA has found the information insufficient to defend the use of DMAA as an ingredient in dietary supplements. The FDA is advising that consumers look for DMAA listed on the product label. Other names that refer to DMAA are: 1,3-DMAA
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